

Monday, March 30, 2009

New Song!

So, for the past few days, I have been working diligently on procrastination hw. I know, shocker! But part of the project I had to do for A Lesson Before Dying was to create a soundtrack. Luckily, I am a musical artist! :-) So I got into action. Seeing that I only had three days, I didn't get too many songs finished (2!). But they're pretty good. The first one, called "Judgement", is an orchestral track. I like how weird it sounds, and there are a LOT of triplets. Then, there's my new obsession: "Sleep". It's Jefferson's song. I'm completely in love with it. It just! I love the music, I love the vocals, I love the lyrics. I've played it a million times and it hasn't gotten old. I just...oh my goodness I'm getting worked up over the song. But that's how proud I am of it. Anyway, the soundtrack has to be at least 10 tracks, so I couldn't just turn in those two (with an unfinished demo of "A Ghost" used as an intro). So I compiled a 10-track soundtrack, cushioning the vast empty spaces with possibly-relevant-to-the-book tracks from TheDangerZone Part3, and I'm still searching for more songs. I want this soundtrack to be a Luke Morin soundtrack, not some compilation of other artists.

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