

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Just got back from a Mission Trip to New Orleans. It was an eye-opener, how forgotten these people have become.

So, I've found a direction/theme for the next album. More about exclusion. Experiences I've had over the past few months, and well, also in school, have instigated this idea.

New song idea. It's right now called "Inside My Circle", referring to exclusion and clique-like tendencies, even in places meant to be safe from them. Right now, I want the arrangement to have a lullaby-sound, though will be contradicted with piercing and, grouped with the arrangement, sarcastic lyrics. Though, the sarcasm will only be detected in the conflicting arrangement/lyrics. The lyrics will actually be veiled more in concern than resentment. I only have the first two lines:

Counting down won't help a thing.
Nothing ever stops the rain.

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